Supply Chain Management Solutions Provider Zionex Launches PlanNEL Beta

Supply Chain Management Solutions Provider Zionex Launches PlanNEL Beta-feature image
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Zionex has released beta version of PlanNEL, which is an innovative AI-powered SaaS platform for effective demand forecasting and inventory optimization. It is specially designed for mid-sized retail businesses to help them make informed data driven decisions for better results.

PlanNel comprises 4 modules namely AI powered Baseline Forecasting (BF), Demand Planning (DP), Replenishment Planning (RP) and Inventory Optimization (IO) module. It makes use of machine learning and AI technologies to demand forecasts accurately based on numerous influencing factors.

CEO of Noelo Hills, Jacklyn Lim, who is participating in the beta program said, “PlanNEL is an intuitive and user-friendly platform that has the potential to revolutionize the way businesses approach demand forecasting and inventory management in fast-moving online marketplaces. We are excited to see how Zionex will continue to develop the platform to meet the evolving needs of online retail businesses.”

Currently, PlanNEL beta is being tested by numerous retail companies in Japan, US and Korea. The platform might catch attention of a wide range of professionals which includes planners, strategists, analysts, to name a few!

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