This New Ducktail Malware Might Target Your Facebook Accounts

This New Ducktail Malware Might Target Your Facebook Accounts-feature image
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A brand new Ducktail Phishing scam is now operative. The latest version of Ducktail Malware is being used to steal user data and targets Facebook account. The malware that originally emerged in July and specifically aimed at Facebook accounts has now become a greater cause of danger.

The latest version of Ducktail can access all available Facebook data on an infected computer system. The terrifying part is that if yours happen to be a Facebook business account, it can even figure out payment methods, thus putting your money at risk. Moreover, Facebook business data includes billing information and cycles that might be used to disguise unauthorized purchases.

The first version of the malware as shared by Bleeping Computer depended on the LinkedIn campaign. It involved hackers delivering PHP malware by being impersonated as marketing and HR professionals. The latest version, on the other hand, is installed on file sharing networks that host games, adult videos, among other things!

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