X has replaced the Blue Bird: Elon Musk Changed Twitter Logo to “X”

X has replaced the Blue Bird: Elon Musk Changed Twitter Logo to “X”-feature image
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It’s official! Twitter is transforming significantly, symbolized by replacing its iconic bird logo with a new official one.

The driving force behind this change is Elon Musk, the owner of this social media platform. In a series of tweets on Sunday morning, he hinted at the upcoming shift, suggesting that the “Twitter” brand and its association with birds would eventually be bid farewell.

Currently, on the web version of Twitter, there has been a notable change as the traditional Twitter logo has been replaced by an “X.” This change reflects Elon Musk’s vision of transforming Twitter into an all-encompassing application, a vision he had when he acquired the platform for a substantial sum of $44 Billion in late November.

The “X” logo is expected to replace the bird logo in the mobile app once the updates are implemented. However, it’s worth mentioning that references to Twitter are still present on the main web login prompt.

According to reports, Twitter employees were notified of a forthcoming change through an email signed by Elon Musk, stating that it would be his final email from the Twitter.com domain. Musk also took to Tweeted that “good enough one is posted tonight, we’ll make go live worldwide tomorrow.”

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