Salesforce & Polygon Collaborate to Develop NFT-Based Loyalty Programs

Salesforce & Polygon Collaborate to Develop NFT-Based Loyalty Programs-feature image
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Salesforce, the global leader in customer relationship management, has announced its partnership with Polygon, a leading layer 2 blockchain network, to create non-fungible token-based loyalty programs, stated Ryan Wyatt, president at Polygon Labs.

“Salesforce will assist their clients in smooth onboarding to Polygon blockchain with its management platform to help the clients in creating token-based loyalty programs.” Ryan Wyatt tweeted on Thursday.

This news came just after the company stated on Monday 15th that they’ll be expanding the client services to manage the NFT loyalty programs.

The usage of NFTS and blockchain technology in loyalty programs provides several benefits to businesses. Thanks to the blockchain’s immutable and decentralized nature, clients get the surety for fairness and transparency from the offered loyalty program. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) come with the potential for unique customer experiences and personalized rewards.

Loyalty programs have proven to be extremely effective marketing tools for those businesses that are looking to increase their customer engagement and improve customer retention.

“Monitor real-time blockchain data from collections launched on Ethereum and Polygon within your CRM.” Salesforce stated on its website.

loyalty programs can be highly beneficial for businesses, and returning customers can generate approximately 40% of revenue, as per a report by

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