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Brand : Elsevier


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Mendeley Reference Management Software offers seamless organization and citation of research papers, enabling users to collaborate, annotate, and share knowledge effortlessly. ...Read more

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Mendeley Software Pricing, Features & Reviews

What is Mendeley Software?

Mendeley is a game-changing reference management software designed to revolutionize how you navigate academic research. With a robust suite of features, Mendeley empowers students, researchers, and academics to collaborate and manage their references effortlessly, enhancing the research process and driving academic success. Experience efficient and seamless academic collaboration with Mendeley's powerful collaboration tools, enabling you to effortlessly exchange ideas, insights, and research materials with colleagues.

With Mendeley's multi-device support, you can access your research library anytime, anywhere, ensuring that your references are just a tap away on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. It will elevate your research insights with note management capabilities, allowing you to add valuable comments and annotations to your references for deeper analysis. You can simplify reference organization with Mendeley's effortless data import and export functionality, ensuring smooth integration of your research materials.

It will foster teamwork and knowledge exchange with a file-sharing feature, enabling you to share research materials and collaborate seamlessly with colleagues. Stay informed about your research progress and productivity with a robust activity dashboard and reporting features, providing valuable insights into your scholarly pursuits.

Why Choose Mendeley?

Mendeley is a powerful reference management software that caters to a wide range of individuals, making it an essential tool for students, researchers, academics, and professionals across various disciplines. The multi-device support offered by Mendeley ensures that students can access their research library anytime, anywhere, allowing them to work efficiently and stay on top of their academic pursuits. It empowers students to add valuable comments and analysis to their references, fostering critical thinking and deeper engagement with the subject matter.

Mendeley's powerful search option enables researchers to access relevant literature swiftly, saving valuable time in literature searches. Mendeley facilitates efficient collaboration with colleagues, allowing researchers to exchange research materials and insights seamlessly. Mendeley's reporting and analytics capabilities provide valuable insights into research performance, aiding academics in data-driven decision-making. The easy referencing feature ensures accurate citations, saving academics time and effort in the citation process.

Benefits of Mendeley Reference Management Software

  • Seamlessly collaborate with peers, fostering efficient teamwork and knowledge exchange in academic pursuits.
  • Access your research library across multiple devices, ensuring uninterrupted productivity and research mobility.
  • Enhance research insights with robust note management, facilitating in-depth analysis and critical engagement.
  • Simplify reference organization with effortless data import/export, streamlining the integration of research materials.
  • Foster productive collaboration with file-sharing capabilities, facilitating the seamless exchange of research materials.
  • Stay informed about research progress and productivity through an informative activity dashboard and valuable reporting and analytics.

Mendeley Pricing

Mendeley reference management platform pricing is available on request at

The pricing model is based on different parameters, including extra features, deployment type, and total users. For further queries related to the product, you can contact our product team and learn more about the pricing and offers.

Mendeley Pricing & Plans

Mendeley price is available on request

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Mendeley Features


Collaboration Tools

Foster seamless academic teamwork and knowledge exchange.


Multi-Device Support

Access your research library anytime, anywhere, with compatibility across multiple devices.


Notes Management

Enhance research insights with note-taking capabilities, adding valuable comments and reference annotations.


Data Import/Export

Streamline reference organization with effortless data import and export functionality.


File Sharing

Facilitate collaborative research with a file-sharing feature, enabling smooth knowledge exchange with colleagues.


Activity Dashboard

Stay informed about research progress and productivity with an informative activity dashboard.


Document Storage

Enjoy ample storage space to house your extensive research library securely.


Reporting & Analytics

Access valuable insights into research performance with reporting and analytics features.


Easy Referencing

Ensure accurate citations with ease using user-friendly referencing capabilities.


Library Access Control

Maintain data security and confidentiality with control over library access.

Mendeley Specifications

  • Supported Platforms :
  • Device:
  • Deployment :
  • Suitable For :
  • Business Specific:
  • Business Size:
  • Customer Support:
  • Training:
  • Language:
  • AI Features:
  • Windows MacOS Linux
  • DesktopMobile
  • Web-Based
  • All Industries
  • All Businesses
  • Small Business, Startups, Medium Business, Enterprises, SMBs, SMEs, MSMBs, MSMEs
  • Email, Live Chat, Forums
  • Documentation, Videos
  • English
  • AI Integrated

Mendeley Reviews


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Mendeley Video Reviews


“Mendeley: Automatically Generate References & Citations”


Review by: MyResearchSupport


“Master the BEST Free Reference Manager (Mendeley Desktop, Mendeley Web Importer, & Mendeley Cite)”


Review by: smartstudent_official

Elsevier Company Details

Brand Name Elsevier
Information Elsevier is a world-leading provider of information solutions that enhance the performance of science, health, and technology.
Founded Year 1923
Director/Founders Lodewijk Elzevir, Ramamohan Paturi
Company Size 1000+ Employees

Mendeley FAQ

A Mendeley software is compatible with Windows and macOS operating systems.
A Mendeley app is not available on Android and iOS devices.
A Mendeley is a reference management tool that helps an individual organize his research, collaborate with the audience, and make new discoveries.
A Mendeley Reference Management software pricing is available on request at
A Mendeley can be used by students, teachers, researchers, academics, institutions and anyone who needs a strong reference management tool.
A Mendeley Reference Management software demo is available for free with
A Mendeley Reference Management platform does not offer a free trial.
A For Mendeley reference management software installation, you can go directly to Techjockey’s official website and buy this solution. Once purchased, you will receive a key to download the same via email.
A Mendeley is a powerful reference management software that aids researchers in organizing and citing their sources effectively. It provides access to a vast database of over 100 million articles from various publishers, allowing users to conduct comprehensive research and make a meaningful impact on their work.

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