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Advanced Reports
Get access to detailed reports about stock movements and predictions of financial gains based on macroeconomic trends.
Historic Information
This feature helps in getting a better view of stocks’ past performance. It helps to understand the stability of the stock /
Manages Your Stocks
Manages Your Stocks, MFs, F&Os, FDs and Other Assets.
Imports contract notes
Imports contract notes, mutual fund statements and bank statements from over 2100 sources.
Short term and long term capital gains
Short term and long term capital gains for Equity and Debt Mutual Funds (with and without indexation for Debt MFs).
Other PMS reports
Other PMS reports such as Annualised Returns (XIRR), Income Reports, Goal and Asset Allocation Reports.
Analytics & Reporting
Advanced Reports such as Historical Valuation reports, Gadgets, Asset Under Management, Asset holding portfolio wise.
Project Accounting
Accounting reports such as Trial Balance, Profit/Loss and Balance Sheet.
View your portfolios
View your portfolios on your Android phone using MProfit android app.
Auto price updates
Auto price updates for stocks, F&O and ETFs (15-minute delay) and daily mutual fund NAVs.
Mutual Funds
Accounting Module
The MProfit investment manager offers an accounting feature for all the portfolios that organizations manage. It also assists in
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“Very efficient at getting required reports, in an easy-to-use format. Communicating with clients because this is easy to understand.” Aditya Singh - Mar 3, 2022
“The digital platform offers excellent excel support so that doing all kinds of financial and accounting calculations are easy.” Meena Bhansali - Dec 29, 2020
“MProfit has a really helpful support team and solves our issues promptly. The way they handled my issues has made me their permanent customer” Adarsh - Aug 7, 2018
“It is bit tricky to use and in case one might need support from the team, guidance is provided.” Manish Singh - Mar 9, 2022
“The tool is not able to directly accept reports and statements of many brokers and requires confusing modifications in the excel templates while developing it.” Abhishek Sharma - Mar 1, 2022
Brand Name | Mprofit |
Information | Mprofit |
Founded Year | 2007 |
Director/Founders | Kiran Shah |
Company Size | 1-100 |
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