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HRM King VS Tankhwa Patra

Let’s have a side-by-side comparison of HRM King vs Tankhwa Patra to find out which one is better. This software comparison between HRM King and Tankhwa Patra is based on genuine user reviews. Compare software prices, features, support, ease of use, and user reviews to make the best choice between these, and decide whether HRM King or Tankhwa Patra fits your business.


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Starting Price

₹ 750.00 /Month

View plans arow

Starting Price

₹ 750.00 /Month

View plans arow
  • industries All industries
  • industries All industries
  • chek Employee Management
  • chek Employee Onboarding
  • chek Salary Management
  • chek Candidate Management
  • chek Payroll Management
  • chek Leave Management
  • chek Employee asset management
  • chek Reimbursement
  • chek Task Management
  • chek Visitor Management
str1 4.5
str1 4.5
str1 4.5
str1 4.5

Likelihood to Recommend

str1 4.7
str1 4.6
str1 4.7
str1 4.7

Likelihood to Recommend


pros-list-icon 1. Increased efficiency: Automation of HR processes improves efficiency and accuracy, which can help to reduce manual labor and costs. 2. Improved data analysis: HRM software can provide valuable insights into employee performance and trends that can help to improve decision-making. 3. Streamlined recruitment: HRM technology can streamline the recruitment process by automating the job posting process and screening candidates. 4. Improved employee engagement: With automated HR tasks, HR professionals can dedicate more time and resources to engaging with employees and improving morale. 5. Improved compliance: Automated HR processes can help to ensure compliance with labor regulations and other laws. Posted - May 09, 2023

cons_icon No Cons Posted - May 09, 2023

pros-list-icon REAL TIME PUNCH IN - PUNCH OUT SYSTEM IS GOOD. Attendance showing is good features. Satisfied with the product. Posted - May 25, 2023

cons_icon Sometimes in my phone app does not work properly. Facing punch in and punch out issues. Posted - May 25, 2023


  • Web Based
  • On Premises

Device Supported

  • Desktop
  • Mobile
  • Tablet
  • iPad

Operating System

  • Ubuntu
  • Windows
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Mac OS
  • Windows(Phone)
  • Linux


  • Web Based
  • On Premises

Device Supported

  • Desktop
  • Mobile
  • Tablet
  • iPad

Operating System

  • Ubuntu
  • Windows
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Mac OS
  • Windows(Phone)
  • Linux

A Quick Comparison Between HRM King and Tankhwa Patra

Let’s have a detailed comparison of HRM King vs Tankhwa Patra to find out which one is better. Let’s discover some of the essential factors that you must consider and decide whether HRM King or Tankhwa Patra fits your business.

Comparison of HRM King vs Tankhwa Patra In terms of Features

HRM King includes features like Employee Management, Employee Onboarding, Salary Management and Candidate Management. Tankhwa Patra is known for functionalities like Leave Management, Employee asset management, Reimbursement and Task Management. When you compare HRM King vs Tankhwa Patra, look for scalability, customization, ease of use, customer support and other key factors. The one which suits your business needs is the best.

Comparison Between HRM King and Tankhwa Patra In terms of Deployment Type

While HRM King supports Web Based deployment; Tankhwa Patra is suitable for Web Based deployment. While selecting between HRM King and Tankhwa Patra, figure out which one of the two is compatible with your devices. This will help in reducing the hassle after implementation.

HRM King or Tankhwa Patra: Which Is Ideal for Your Industry

HRM King is ideal for industries like All Industries. For All Industries, Tankhwa Patra is a better choice. If you are confused between HRM King or Tankhwa Patra, you can also check if the software has customizable modules for your industry. Industry-specific functionalities will ensure higher efficiency and ROI. However, do check for the hidden price, is any.

Which Is Better? - HRM King or Tankhwa Patra

HRM King and Tankhwa Patra can be used for different purposes and are well-suited for teams with specific needs. If you are looking for a platform that is easy to use, has low barriers to entry, and offers a lot of customization, flexibility, and integration options, then you must compare their specifications in detail at the time of demo. Compare HRM King and Tankhwa Patra during demo to decide which one is best for your business.


While HRM King offers customized features, Tankhwa Patra has diverse modules. Select between HRM King or Tankhwa Patra as per your business needs.
Both these products offer similar features but with a different approach. While HRM King emphasizes on user experiences, Tankhwa Patra focuses on functionalities.
It all depends on the functionalities that you prefer. While HRM King offers add-ons along with essential features, Tankhwa Patra emphasizes on customization.
No, the difference between HRM King and Tankhwa Patra lies in terms of features and functionalities. While HRM King can be customized as per the user’s needs, Tankhwa Patra addresses the diverse audience.
It depends upon your business requirement. Both HRM King and Tankhwa Patra provides standard features to cater diverse industry needs.
The difference lies in terms of the user interface and functionalities. While HRM King is customizable, HRM King offers comprehensive modules.

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